From childhood pet-owner to part of the team: Katherine shares why she’s been connected to Wirral Vets for so long

Katherine Mountford is a vet at Wirral Vets. She first came to the practice with her own pets as a child, and is now a key part of the team there.  She tells us about the fantastic charity work they do with the RSPCA and her own lively array of pets.

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Could you share a bit about yourself and how you joined Wirral Vets?

I graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2016, and my journey with this practice began right after. Starting as a new graduate, it's been a fascinating seven years of growth and change. We've seen significant expansion across the practices, and I've transitioned from being a junior vet to my current role, enjoying the challenges and opportunities that have come my way!

What's kept you with the practice?

The connection to the local community and this practice's history is a significant factor. I grew up in the area, and this was the very practice where I used to bring my pets as a child. The familiarity and the sense of giving back to a place that played a role in my own childhood have kept me rooted here.

The unique and rewarding aspect of our charity work with the RSPCA is also a major motivator. Dealing with stray animals and collaborating with the local RSPCA centre to provide care is a profound and fulfilling experience.

What motivates you in your work?

The core motivation for me lies in the human-animal bond. Building relationships with clients and witnessing their gratitude for our work is genuinely fulfilling. While the welfare of animals is always a priority, the connection with clients, their appreciation, and the collaborative spirit within the team are really meaningful to me.

Speaking of the team, could you tell me more about the dynamics and what it's like working together at Wirral Vets?

Our team has evolved over the years. We have a diverse mix of experienced professionals and younger members, creating a dynamic work environment.

We have a really great nursing team that’s very independent and proactive. They are skilled and confident, allowing for efficient task delegation.

Maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere is important to us too. We make it a point to foster team morale by connecting and having a good time working together.

Can you tell us about your personal progression with the practice?

My journey within the practice has been great. Starting as a new graduate, I was navigating the learning curve that every new vet experiences when they graduate. The link we have at Wirral Vets with the RSPCA played a vital role in building my confidence, especially in surgical procedures.

We also have proximity to the university and nearby referral centres which is great if you need to get some additional input from a specialist or advanced practitioner.

I'm continually learning and plan to undergo leadership training as I transition into a more managerial role within the practice.

Outside of work, what are your hobbies and interests?

I'm quite active, I’m a fitness instructor, so I teach a bit of zumba and yoga. I also enjoy doing pole fitness, ballet dancing, and help out my friend who is a wedding photographer.

Tell us about your pets!

We have a busy household of pets!

I share my space with four Persian cats—Edgar, Edna, Eugene, and Yzma. Each has a unique personality, but generally, they are a laid-back bunch.

On the canine side, we’ve got four dogs. Recently, we welcomed a special dog with health issues from Dogs Trust in Evesham. He’s a lovely addition to our busy household.