Edward Davies appointed GP Vet Lead

March 30, 2023

IVC Evidensia has appointed Edward Davies to a new role as GP Vet Lead as it ramps up its pioneering GP Vet Futures Award Programme.

With its first cohort starting the programme this month, shining a light on first opinion, or GP, vets is a key part of its mission to create the world’s best primary care network.

Mr Davies BVSc MRCVS, has recently completed his tenure as chair of the IVC Evidensia Small Animal Clinical Board, and one of his first major projects is rolling out the GP Vet Futures Programme.

Taking up the new position, he says it will let him focus totally on the critical role GP vets play within the company. 

“I will be working to support our GP network throughout the UK,” said Mr Davies. 

“It is the largest area of our organisation, and we are committed to ensuring they have all the recognition they deserve. I am delighted to be doing all I can to make sure they get that recognition and that a life-long career as a GP vet is fulfilling.

“The need to support GP vets is understood now more than ever before within the profession and IVC Evidensia is very much at the forefront with the dedicated resources we have allocated to this. 

“Establishing the GP Vet Futures Programme is a massive step towards that.” 

The programme aims to shine a spotlight on the GP vets who are the first point of contact for owners, ensuring their hard work and unparalleled range of talents and skills are showcased as never before.  

It is intended to drive recognition of the GP vet and elevate their established status within the profession further, boost confidence and ability, and provide a clear, individualised pathway to career progression.

An initial two cohorts of up to 60 vets from across IVC Evidensia practices will take part over the next 12 months, and the expectation is it will take around two years for every cohort to complete.  

It is a portfolio-based peer reviewed assessment programme where the vets will document how they have approached many of the important aspects of general practice.  

It will provide a tailor-made structure to further build their career. There are six core and three elective categories, broken down into achievable bite-sized chunks and with success points that can rapidly be reached.   

As part of the GP Lead role, emphasis will also be placed on other key functions that fall within the remit of the GP vet, such as Quality improvement and development of the GP role, especially considering significant changes that are being seen with the profession.  

“There is clearly a huge need to ensure the GP vet role evolves to continue providing job satisfaction, career progression whilst also protecting animal welfare”, said Mr Davies 

“GPs have such a broad skill set,” continued Mr Davies. “One minute you may be dealing with a cat eye ulcer and the next you can be removing a dog’s spleen. 

“There is a great deal of nimbleness required to deal with the complex decision-making processes.  

“The ability to move rapidly between what may be completely different disciplines is unique. And providing that
high level of service is vital to maintain welfare standards within the animal-owning population. 

“We want to make sure GPs understand what they are achieving as well as having that understanding within the wider profession.”    

John Dinsdale, Chief Veterinary Advisor at IVC Evidensia UK said: 

“We’re delighted to have such an experienced and lifelong career vet as Edward taking on the GP Vet Lead role. Highlighting the essential role of GP vets is a key cornerstone of our strategy to create the world’s best primary care network.”