IVC Evidensia targets next generation of vets on TikTok

March 08, 2021

In an effort to target the next generation of vets IVC Evidensia has set up a TikTok account. 
Europe’s largest veterinary group is dipping its toe in the water with TikTok – a social media platfom that attracts a lower age demographic than rivals such as FB and Twitter.
The first video promotes the IVC Evidensia BAME scholarship scheme which is aiming to support a more diverse range of secondary school students to apply for vet school.
Comments Group Marketing Director Graham Avent, “We have to go where our audience is. The BAME Scholarship scheme is targetting 16-18 year olds and TikTok indexes highly for this demographic. We are also reaching out to vet schools and school careers organisations – anywhere where we can get our key message out there”
Amanda Boag, MA VetMB DECVECC MRCVS, Chair of the IVC Evidensia BAME Scholarship scheme, comments, “As a leading employer within the industry, encouraging diversity is really important to us. This scholarship is an important step in supporting change and helping ensure the veterinary profession reflects the communities we serve”
You can find out more about the scheme on TikTok or on the IVC Evidensia website