Sophie Benzie always knew she wanted a career involving animals, but it wasn't until she graduated with a degree in Zoo Biology and took a Veterinary Care Assistant role that she found her true calling in veterinary nursing. Now a Student Vet Nurse at Willow Vets, working hard towards qualifying as a Registered Vet Nurse, Sophie was nominated by her team for the London Vet Show 30 Under 30.
I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I knew it had to involve animals! After graduating from university with a degree in Zoo Biology, I felt a bit lost when looking for a job, as I didn’t know what I wanted. I eventually decided to apply for a veterinary care assistant role on a whim and, once I got stuck in, I realised nursing was the perfect job for me.
I think veterinary nursing really fits all aspects of my personality. I’ve always loved learning, particularly when it comes to science, so to be able to mix that with caring for animals is the dream for me.
I had previously worked as a kennel assistant for a little bit after I finished university, so I had a little bit of experience beforehand. I found my first day a bit overwhelming as there’s so much to learn and remember but I found carrying a little notebook for prompts helpful! I knew all the other nurses had been in the same position before, and everyone was so welcoming and helpful.
I really enjoy inpatient nursing. I love getting to know my patients and seeing them improve as a result of my nursing care. I also love anaesthesia and utilising my practical skills.
At the moment I find it hard to tie myself down to one area as I enjoy most aspects of the job. I do love exotic nursing and I’m interested in nurse involvement in schedule 3 procedures.
Working and studying has been difficult - I try to make time to exercise which helps me feel more energised and I use my days off for revision. I’ve also struggled with some personal issues which made last year very difficult for me. Luckily, I have a great support system of family and friends who helped me get through it!
I was so shocked when I got the email! I didn’t know my clinical coach had nominated me, so it came as a big surprise. I often doubt myself and my abilities as a nurse, as I’m sure most of us have at some point, so reading the lovely comments she wrote about me definitely helped my confidence. I had a great time at the London Vet Show, it was such an interesting experience and I really enjoyed attending the lectures. I felt so inspired hearing about all of the other nominees and the amazing things they’ve done, I was very privileged to be a part of it.
Short term I hope to qualify this year and finally become an RVN! In the long term, I’m looking forward to improving my knowledge and skills through CPD. I’d be interested in completing a course in surgical procedures for veterinary nurses. I also love exotics, and wildlife so would love to further my knowledge in this area.
Do your research and get lots of experience as it’s not for everyone, but if it’s right for you, it’s the most rewarding job.
I enjoy a nice adult colouring book or completing a sudoku puzzle. I’m a big fan of ‘The Simpsons’ so usually have that on in the background. I also enjoy going to the gym and swimming pool when I can.
I have two cats and a dog. My cats are sisters from the same litter, they’re called Nelly and Winnie and are both 4-year-old tuxedo cats; Nelly is short-haired and Winnie is long-haired. Nelly is very needy and always wants a fuss, but usually only from me. Winnie is more independent but also loves a cuddle and tends to sleep on my bed at night.
My dog is called Norman, he’s a 3-year-old chocolate and tan miniature dachshund. He has the funniest personality; everyone who meets him loves him. He also likes to sleep with me at night and is the cuddliest dog I’ve ever met!