EMS Bursary Application

The IVC Evidensia EMS Bursary is open for applications from veterinary students undertaking clinical EMS from third to final year. Please complete the application form below to submit your request for EMS bursary funding. 

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Date of Birth


What University are you studying at?

What is your current year of study?

Please select an option...

Have you confirmed your EMS Placement?

Please select an option...

Where will you practice?

Please select an option...

Which practice will be supporting your EMS Placement

When is your EMS placement scheduled to start?


Please confirm your total student finance award

Why an EMS bursary would be beneficial to you in successfully completing your EMS placement?

What motivates you to be a successful vet?

How your EMS placement may be impacted without the financial support of the EMS bursary?

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