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Daniella Dos Santos

Director Of Professional Culture

About Daniella

Daniella graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2012 having previously obtained a degree in Molecular Genetics from Kings College. She grew up in central London, and was the first member of her family to go to university.
She started her career in Buckinghamshire in a small animal practice that covered its own out of hours, eventually practicing across the south east in various different clinics, ranging from small practices to large multidisciplinary hospitals. Having enjoyed all aspect of first opinion practice, Daniella’s clinical interest was in exotic animal medicine and surgery, as well as dentistry.
In 2019, Daniella became the youngest every British Veterinary Association President, and only the 5th woman to hold the position. During her time at BVA, she championed diversity and inclusion within the profession, as well as guiding the profession through Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, she was award the RCVS Inspiration Award, and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for Meritorious Contributions to the Profession.
Daniella is currently Director of Professional Culture at IVC Evidensia, as well as a trustee of the Pet Plan Charitable Trust