Since qualifying in 1998, Amanda has gained a vast amount of experience as a clinician and is well recognised across the profession due to the many roles she has undertaken in helping shape modern clinical excellence standards and support here in the UK.
She enthusiastically took on the challenge of Group Referral Director at IVC in 2020 in addition to her being Clinical Director at Vets Now, a role she has held since 2008 overseeing clinical and professional standards within the business. We are equally thrilled to have her and her experience to our referrals strategy team.
Amanda acts as a consultant for Pet Blood Bank, is an elected member of the RCVS Council 2012-2020 and was RCVS President 2018-2019. She was President of the European Society of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (EVECCS) from 2011-2014. She was Founding President of the European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ECVECC) from 2014-2018 and is currently Past-President of that organisation. She is a board member of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation representing ECVECC. She was a Founding Trustee of the British College of Veterinary Specialists (BCVSp) from 2014-2018.