Mel started her nursing career in 1998 at Mill House Veterinary Hospital, qualifying in 2002 before completing the Small Animal Nutrition Certificate in 2004. She then completed the Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing in 2011 and gained her first class Honours Degree in Clinical Veterinary Nursing in 2012.
Having a keen interest in anaesthesia, Mel achieved the Nurses Certificate in Anaesthesia in 2018. She is currently part of the management team at Mill House where she is the Training co-ordinator, PSS and QI lead, and SVN Team Leader alongside her clinical responsibilities.
Mel is a firm believer in team unity and feels that RVNs, Vets, VCAs and all other team members have a vital role to play in creating a strong work ethic within a positive environment, working together to achieve high clinical standards with excellent client and patient service being at the heart of this. Mel also sits on the clinical excellence sub-committee.